Sunday 3 July 2011


Just a few photos, reflecting the low level of greenhouse activity this year, a bit fuzzy as I didn't notice the camera was on the wrong setting:

Tomato plants are a bit sad, having been variously over and underwatered, but still some nice fruit; only some cherry tomatoes are ripe enough to pick so far, but today I plan to make a sandwich. ;)

A couple of sad lupins I grew for from seed and which have been begging to be planted out for weeks. I finally planted them out this morning, after taking the photos. I hope they take as lupins are one of my favourites.  Not very sensibly planted them in shallow jars, so they were difficult to remove, hope the roots survive the upheavel ;/

Salad leaves, also earmarked for the sandwich...

Basil, I love basil, just chew on it all the time ... :)

A tray of marigolds I grew from seed, and which also have been begging to be planted out for weeks...I notice some lupins in there, too... must plant them out soon.

 Not strictly greenhouse, but finally some apples (just the four!) on my apple branch...well, it did winter in the greenhouse, so it can count. Besides that, the vine has plenty of leaves but I neglected to water it at the crucial time so all the budding grapes shrivelled and, no grapes this year, alas. A few cucumber plants languish, begging to go outdoors, but I have nowhere to put them...don't think I am going to see any cucumbers from them. There's also a lonely sad pepper plant with just a few peppers...maybe it will cheer up as the summer goes on.

I'll have a garden gnome if I want one, so there... :)  He's quite discreet, in a pot made up from
some seedlings I bought a couple of months ago from a garden centre... I didn't get round to planting seeds early enough for Spring pots but I've grown the tray of marigolds and lupins from seed to watch through the summer.  Anything I plant outside needs covering in chicken wire as protection from the pup and kittens.