Sunday 24 May 2009


Lettuce leaves...basil




Onions, mint...

Potatoes are flowering...

Peas climbing pods yet

Black Hamburg Vines

Black Hamburg Vines and an apple...

More tomatoes (and a pepper)...they need potting on



Strawberries, sweet peas

Busy Lizzies, petunias

Pots of stuff...

It's all getting a bit crowded, I need to move some plants outside or into the conservatory. I've got some new seeds to sow (cucumber and zinnia)...probably tomorrow.

Sunday 3 May 2009


Looking good...DH assembled the mini greenhouse which I bought last summer with the intention of setting it up in the last house's garden this year, but we have moved. Seemed a bit superfluous here until I realised how useful it could be for propagating and for extra shelves.

The potato plants have grown enormously. I followed the instructions and kept covering the stalks with more compost as they grew - as the pots are full to the brim it's now just a case of watering them and waiting...

The garden peas are obligingly wending their way up the bamboo canes.

Geraniums, petunias, busy lizzies, a tomato plant...

A hopefully good addition - I spent a while Googling grape vines and having settled on the type I seemed most likely able to grow, bought two from eBay. These are bare-rooted (the most inexpensive way to buy them) Hamburg black grape vines at £4.99 each; the seller very obligingly sent three for the price of two and they arrived within a day, all looking good and healthy. I soaked the roots for a day and night and have just now potted them up in John Innes Number 3 compost. I am very pleased to have them and would ideally like to get one growing in the conservatory - I've wanted a grape vine for ever, I say.

The third (freebie) vine, alongside the still waterlogged strawberries and some sweet peas.

Mostly trays of mixed lettuce leaves - not the type with hearts. I've just thinned these out from the one tray where they all were struggling for space. Also here a tray of mint and a tray of basil, and the one garlic bulb (of three) which is growing to date.

Busy Lizzies and petunias from seed.

Bell peppers coming along nicely - the two at the back.

Onions and mint looking a bit sad and straggly...

Bell peppers still doing okay in their growbag...

Tomatoes looking good...flowering, have tapped them to pollinate them, as advised by people who know about these things. :-) Bought and planted up a half dozen marigolds near the tomato plants, which should help keep away some bugs, I learn. These are plum tomato plants; yesterday I bought an Alicante tomato plant too, because I don't think I will want only plum tomatoes. It is only a couple of inches high - I have put it in a bigger pot.

Of all the geranium plants, these two, which live largely forgotten about beneath the tomato plants, are doing most well. It's quite shaded under there - I've potted them on once but besides that they are mostly overlooked and maybe appreciate not too much watering or attention.

Just one more look at the potato plants...being rather proud of these....that's all for now. :-)