Tuesday 21 July 2009

It's all about the tomatoes...(well, almost)

Peppers...fabulous, lots of them, strange shapes and sizes, though.

The plum tomatoes - lots of them....

Moneymaker and Alicante varieties below, I still don't know which is which....

These might be the cherry tomatoes... assuming so because they are the smallest...

The potatos grown from a seeded Charlotte I found in the pantry...

One of the splendid begonias...it's quite a size

A solitary bunch of grapes on one of the Black Hamburg vines continues to be my delight....

Someone gave us some lovely home-grown courgettes so I cut some of the peppers and pulled a couple of onions for a lovely vegeterian dish...mmm.

Saturday 4 July 2009


The plum tomatoes are doing very well - there are so many of them!

Today I spotted the first ripening tomato...

The peppers are coming along nicely, too - they are going to be odd shapes (of the sort previously disapproved of for sale in European supermarkets!)

Some cherry tomatoes - there are just a few but they are looking good.

The grapes continue to grow!

Another variety of tomato - Moneymaker or Alicante, I have one of each but don't remember which is which.

More oddly shaped peppers...

Potatos growing from a Charlotte which got left in the pantry for too long and had begun to seed...am just experimenting to see if they will produce as nice a potato as the rather expensive seeded ones which I grew the first time round.

They are a bit gaudy, methinks, but doing well....there were so many of these, I have given quite a lot of some plants away.

Perry's runner beans seem happy in their pot...

The pea harvest! Evidently need to plant a few more tubs - I can remember, as a child, picking peas from many more plants growing up two rows of bamboo poles in the garden, and that they lasted all through the summer - my paltry tub will not do us for more than a couple of meals! I think I will plant some more in one of the onion tubs, once I've pulled them. :-)

And nothing to do with the greenhouse at all, just flowering in the garden...